Registration fee

  • 150 lei for national payments
  • 40 euro for international payments.

*Covering registration, conference package (program and Conference Proceedings – CD), access to all conference sessions and lunch. Transport and accommodation costs will be supported by the participants.
In case the paper is multi-authored and more than one author would like to participate in the conference, each participant pays the registration fee separately.
The registration fee should be paid AFTER the acceptance of the paper.
Payments are to be made by bank transfer, as follows:

  • Bank account in LEI: RO21 BTRL 0330 1202 4867 18XX, paid at Transilvania Bank in Sibiu, in the name of Universitatea Romano-Germana din Sibiu, CUI 16505506
  • Bank account in EURO: RO67 BTRL 0330 4202 4867 18XX, SWIFT BTRL RO22, paid at Transilvania Bank in Sibiu, in the name of Universitatea Romano-Germana din Sibiu, CUI 16505506

All bank transfers must bear the specification „Registration fee for RO-GER Conference 2013”.