Submission and evaluation

All the papers should be submitted by email as a single attachment, formatted as the template, to the following email: anale.economice(at)

Papers must be submitted electronically and their length should be between 4 and 16 pages long (including references), although in some cases, involving mainly the reporting of qualitative data, longer versions may be accepted. Each submission should be made in a Microsoft Word file using the Template file. This file could be downloaded from this web page. The papers may be submitted in English and Romanian languages.

Template - MS Word version - doc;

Only original papers are welcomed. Please submit papers that are under a review process and / or have been accepted and/or published elsewhere. After the submission process the authors will receive will receive an electronic acknowledgement of the submission of their work within 2 weeks. After this step please send a scanned letter (sample) stating that the paper has not been considered for publication elsewhere and that all the authors agree with its content / submission. 

The editorial team will review the paper and will inform the author (s) if the paper is accepted for review in the Annals of the Romanian-German University of Sibiu. All papers that do not follow the established template or stray from the general topic / editorial policy of the review will not be sent for peer review and their authors will be notified within 3 weeks since the submission process. 

The papers that are accepted by the editorial team and are eligible for the review will be sent to a number of 2 independent reviewers. If there is a significant difference between the 2 reviewers, the paper will be sent to a third independent reviewer for final analysis. This stage of the paper should take between 4 and 6 weeks.

If the paper is accepted with recommendations, the author (s) will be asked to revise his / her paper within 3 weeks since the notification. The revised papers will be sent to the same reviewers for a second review process. At the end of this second process, the authors will be informed if the paper was accepted for publication or rejected.

Before the publication of the paper, the author (s) will be asked to sign a copyright agreement with the Burg Publishing House and the Annals of the Romanian-German University of Sibiu – Economics. All authors will receive a .pdf file with their article, as well as a web link where they can download the entire number of the review with their article.

The Annals of the Romanian-German University of Sibiu adheres to the principles and codes of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) -

Submission deadlines:  September 1st of each year;

Publication period: December 1st – 15th of each year;